It is difficult not to agree that the future belongs to alternative energy sources. And this future already needs its own specialists. The development of modern vehicles that use alternative forms of energy requires deep knowledge and new solutions. Chemistry and physico-chemical current sources, electrical engineering and photonics, hydrodynamics, etc. Children will be able to touch this complex, but such a promising business, which gives unlimited scope for finding new ways and discoveries, already in the classes at Energikvantum
72 / 136
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The project trajectory of Energikvantum is aimed at studying the main directions of alternative energy, practical skills in these areas, studying the principles of creating modern vehicles based on it, acquiring knowledge in kinematic physics, physics of chemical current sources, materials science, mastering the basics of hydrodynamics, electrical engineering, photonics.

Students of Energikvantum will learn how electricity works, how to get it from light, wind, water and plants, that is, without using traditional fuel, learn to assemble their models of power plants, improve them and apply them in real life, learn to understand electrical circuits. In other words, the students at Energikvantum will get acquainted with the features of renewable energy, the principles of operation of modern environmentally friendly engines and learn how to breathe "life" into any equipment.

The relevance and necessity of this quantum is dictated by the development of modern energy, the introduction of eco-friendly renewable energy sources, as well as the widespread use of individual transport. Quantorians will be able to support one of the main tasks of Russia for the next 25 years – a significant increase in the energy efficiency of the economy.

The main task of Energikvantum is to develop students ' skills of project work on the example of energy. Within the framework of the basic module, students get acquainted with the main energy sources and the structure of the energy system of their region; within the framework of the in — depth module, they go to the implementation of full-fledged projects, where they get the opportunity to independently develop a vehicle model that meets the modern requirements of alternative energy.