During the classes at the Roboquantum, children will learn the basics of such modern science as robotics. Robotics is an engineering and technical field based on the study of robot design, software, and understanding of the principle of operation of technical devices. If your child is interested in the technical direction and likes to invent, then it is Roboquantum that will help to develop in this area
36 / 72 / 136
training hours in programme
age category
number of students in the group
Students of the Roboquantum will master advanced technologies in the field of electronics, mechatronics and programming, and gain practical skills in their application. The students will learn how to create their own robots of various designs, control them by programming for various actions, understand the principles of their work, the capabilities and limitations of technical devices, and will also be able to establish a wireless connection between a mobile robot and a computer, making it completely autonomous.
Robotics classes will help develop your child's imagination, logical thinking, mathematical and algorithmic abilities, spatial thinking and fine motor skills. Children learn not just to make small discoveries, but also to see the real areas of their application (that is, not just to construct an abstract robot, but to create one that will solve a specific task).
The quantum program is aimed at developing a child's interest in design, engineering and scientific activities, which significantly expands the child's horizons and education. Thus, Roboquantum, along with teaching the fascinating process of making robots, equips children with knowledge and skills that will be useful in life, can help in professional orientation.
In the course of training at the Roboquantum, boys and girls can take part in various all-Russian and world competitions in Robotics.